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The Raid: Redemption

The Raid: Redemption is a 2011 Indonesian action film starring Iko Uwais, Donny Alamsyah and Joe Taslim. It was directed by Gareth Evens. The film was made on an incredibly low budget of 1.1 million USD, making it even more incredible how amazing this movie is.

In the heart of the Jakarta slums, a derelict apartment building has become a no-go area - even the police are unwilling to enter. It had become a safe-house for the most dangerous murderers and criminals. A SWAT team infiltrates the building, under the cover of darkness, to eliminate its owner - a notorious drug lord named Tama.

The plot and setting of the film can be compared to films such as ‘Dredd’ and ‘Die Hard’. The film uses that to its strength however. Realising that the formula works and is still fun to see. The films pacing and tension are both great, with the viewer constantly on edge, wandering how Rama (Iko Uwais) is going to survive the brutal onslaught he faces.

The film’s tagline is “1 Ruthless Crime Lord, 20 Elite Cops, 30 Floors of Hell”, and the film is able to deliver on that perfectly. This is just a non-stop adrenaline rush of insane and amazingly choreographed action sequences. That is perhaps the greatest element of this movie. The action is simply amazing, and quite honestly I believe it to be some of the greatest that I’ve ever seen. At times it is very unbelievable, such as Rama still being able to take on several foes despite sustaining serious injuries. However the film is so awesome that you are willing to accept it.

The tone of the film is also handled really well all throughout. Before the swat team enters the apartment building we are introduced to Rama’s family. This then introduces stakes and consequences if Rama is unable to complete his task. This adds to the films tension that slowly grows and grows until it peaks during the final action sequence. The film’s setting also gives it a claustrophobic atmosphere, as Rama makes his way through the tight corridors both we and him know that danger could be lurking behind every door, around each corner and in each shadow.

Overall this is without a doubt in my mind one of the best action films of this decade so far, and possibly one of the best action films ever made. Many people don’t like having to watch foreign films because they’ll have to read subtitles but it is definitely worth it for this film. The action is outstanding, the stakes are high, the setting is great and the film is amazing.

Score: 9/10

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