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Django Unchained

Django Unchained is a 2012 Western directed by Quentin Tarantino, starring Jamie Foxx, Leonardo Di Caprio, Samuel L. Jackson and Christoph Waltz. The film showcases many great performances, amazing dialogue, and fantastic action sequences. The film earned Di Caprio an Oscar nomination and Waltz an Oscar. The film also managed to stir up a fair amount of controversy for its use of violence and language.

Dentist turned bounty hunter, Dr. King Schultz, purchases the freedom of a slave, Django, and trains him with the intent to make him his deputy bounty hunter. Instead, he helps Django track down his wife who is owned by a ruthless slave plantation owner named Calvin Candie.

Basically every member of the cast gives a noteworthy and memorable performance in this film. Jackson was entertaining as he always is. Foxx delivers a good performance as Django, Waltz delivers a delightfully charismatic and lovable performance. Di Caprio however gives what is in my opinion, the strongest performance of his career thus far. There is a scene towards the end of the film wherein he had to slam his hand on a table in a fit of rage, however he accidentally slammed it down on a glass and cut his hand wide open, yet instead of freaking out or stopping the scene he kept it going and even worked it into the scene by rubbing his blood on another characters face.

Tarantino is a famous director for many reasons, but perhaps most notable for his amazing dialogue. This film is no exception to this. The film is incredibly quotable and features several incredible scenes filled with tension for no reason other than the dialogue being incredible.

The other thing that people know Tarantino for is his over the top violence. Once again this film does not disappoint on that. There is a lot of violence in this film and it is great. However there is one scene in particular that stands out wherein one character has a shootout with at least 20 other people inside a mansion. The scene is brutal, hilarious, bloody and truly epic. If you can’t handle blood then this movie is definitely not for you.

This film is completely and totally enjoyable from start to finish. I have seen it several times and will watch it several more times. I can’t recommend this film enough. You absolutely must watch this film if you get the chance.

Score: 9.5/10

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